Friday, November 04, 2005

Hello, my name is Jacqueline, and I'm an idiot. For the past two full days, I've been trying to figure out what was wrong with the circuit I'm supposed to be testing (I didn't design it, but I did the layout and ordered the boards and the parts and everything). It really doesn't work at all, when you turn on the power, bad things happen, like smoke. Well, after two days of hard work on the part of the very very patient tech guy (he spent all of yesterday unsoldering things, testing, resoldering, testing, etc), one of my peers has brought to my attention a teensy-weensie error. I switched the power and ground pins. On three chips. I want to crawl under my desk and hide...


At 5:37 PM, Blogger r said...

Wow. Wow. That's almost as bad as the time I was working on a 311 lab in the A.M. and we only had 3 transistors and I blew ours up. It happens though. That's why we have testing and benchmarks and peers.


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