Thursday, September 08, 2005

I hate cell phones. No, I mean it. Not because they're annoying, or because they seem to make people oblivious to the world around them and therefore rude and dangerous drivers, nope, I hate em cause they break. They wait until you're getting used to them, start to depend on them, forget how to live without them, and then they JUST DIE. But it's all right, I can go on without it *sob*. It's harder to get it taken in to be fixed now that I live out in the boonies too. After an hour drive just to get home, I don't want to go ANYWHERE else. I just want to go sit in my nice comfy new house and knit or read or something nice and non-demanding like that.


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww. Why don't you take it to get fixed on your way home from work? Then it wouldn't be so bad. :)


At 4:01 PM, Blogger Jacqueline said...

I did. I was going to singing practice at church after work yesterday, so instead of going home and then coming back for that I went to Radio Shack and got my phone fixed :). Apparently the battery just fizzled, so they gave me a new one and now it works! Yay!


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