Thursday, September 08, 2005

Eeeek! I just had a visitor... A BIG wasp just came flying along and landed on my monitor. He seemed to be pretty happy there - and not likely to leave any time soon. After seriously considering calling security (hey, he didn't have a badge, he might even be a terrorist - I felt a little terrorized), I ended up just trapping him in a styrofoam cup with a piece of paper over the top. After a little conferring with a colleague, we decided to just smoosh the whole thing, crumple the paper around it and throw it away. Luckily I'd already copied the schematic on that paper into Mentor Board Station. Ugh, I feel like things are crawling around on me. Wasps don't bother me so much outside, but there's just something soooo creepy about finding one in the climate controlled interior of an office building. If I ever write a horror movie, it's going to have wasps showing up in offices.


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