Thursday, August 25, 2005

Yay! I found a bug in the code I'm working on, which must mean that I have some idea of what's going on, right? Even better, it wasn't a bug that I introduced :). I'm starting to settle in here a bit more, I've got some photos on my desk now, this one and this one, but I'm still finding it a bit hard to make friends/get to know people... they're almost all older than me and have families and stuff to think about... plus they're engineers, so not necessarily all that outgoing ;). I've been working on getting to know my neighbors though, and that was going pretty well until I found out tomorrow that they're being moved! :( Luckily I don't think I'll be stuck sitting here alone for very long, since the reason people are being moved over to the other building is because we need more space in here. Maybe I'll be really lucky and another fresh-out will move in across from me, and someone friendly and mentor-ly kitty-corner... hey, it could happen!


At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear work is going well. :)

BTW, when is your camera coming in? I wanna seeeee pics! I'm going to try to start playing with photoshop again, and if anything comes out decent, I'll post them. Oh, and once we clean up our apartment, I'll post some pics of that too :)



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