Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ok, good feeling gone. Tonight is my last final, and it's been one of those classes. You know, the kind where you feel like you've spent the entire semester in water that was almost over your head - and you don't know how to swim. I've been standing on my tippy-toes just keeping my nose clear for months. Every so often it seems as though the water level was going down.... you start to settle back onto your feet, breathe a little more freely - and then you find out that the water was just going out to gather itself into a big wave that proceeds to crash over your head. And now the end is in sight - and now comes the dilemma. You could keep fighting, thrash about and work hard and probably keep your head well clear of the water... or you could just take a deep breath, and hunker down until the water goes away and hope that you survive. Ok, enough of the extended drowning metaphor, the point is that I've got 7 hours left to study. If I work hard, I may be able to get an A, but maybe not - I'd say the odds are 6 to 4 against. If I just give up now and scribble the notes I've got onto my 2 allowed equation sheets I'll probably still manage a B - probably 9 to 1 odds for that.
Nope, can't do it, protestant work ethic is kicking in... must work harder!
Darn, back to studying then.

Monday, May 09, 2005

In a rather good mood (maybe something to do with one of my last 3 finals being over?) and so I've decided to make a list of things I love (this is a list of things not people or ideals, so don't get grouchy if you think I should have included you or world peace or whatever):

in no particular order:
fresh spinach with blue cheese dressing
down comforters
funny movies
bare foot weather
songs that give me goosebumps
new eyeshadow
shooting stars
clean countertops
hair dye
long books
witty/surprising conversations

How about you?