Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hooray! I survived my the last of this round of exams, and I think it went well. The prof. told us to study our homework, and he wasn't kidding -the first two problems were word for word from our homework, I'm glad I listened to him! After the test, I ate a bleak lunch, we won't dwell on that, and then headed downtown. My cell phone hinge cracked and was starting to threaten to fall off, so I had to go to Radio Shack and turn it over to be sent in for repairs. So, I'm going to have to go back to living phone-less for a bit, guess it'll be good for me... After that stopped by the art museum. Today I went for old Chinese and Japanese art. My favorite piece of the day was a jade carving of a cicada. Apparently they were symbols of rejuvination, and carvings of them were made to put in the mouths of the dead in their tombs - pretty interesting, huh? Reminiscent of Egyptian scarabs, not to mention Silence of the Lambs.


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