So, if possible, I'm even worse at this than I expected. In my defense, I'm overworked. Well, ok, maybe it's more that for the first time in my life I have a 40 hour/week job that actually takes some real effort and I'm a wimp! Anyways, the aforementioned glamourous job is assembling paint sprayers for a company called Graco (not the guys who make the baby stuff). It's an all right job, working on an assembly line is supposed to be about the most boring thing there is, but actually I think that there were a lot of weeks when I got much more bored back when I was working as an intern at ATK. That job was a lot of fun when it was fun and just awful when I had nothing to do. It is surprisingly difficult to sit and do nothing for eight hours, even with a computer hooked up to the internet. At least at Graco I'm actually producing something! I feel useful, but I come home bushed, and haven't really even thought about coming down and getting on the computer. Maybe the fact that I'm on today means that I'm starting to adjust (either that or I'm just stalling before going to help clean the house to prepare for my sister coming home). My other excuse is that I spent the whole holiday weekend (including Friday and Monday) up at my grandparent's cabin spending time with my family and Robbie (sigh, that was nice, hard to drop him off at the airport - 'Good-bye honey, see you next May'). One interesting part about that airport trip though, we stopped in at the 'Armed Forces Service Center,' it was a really nice place: cushy leather furniture, free everything - food, pop, cookies, shower, bunks, satellite tv. Well, that about brings everthing up to date.
Super Happy Exciting Details of My Fabulous Life
A little blog of my life to keep my far away friends up to speed...
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