Friday, July 23, 2004

Bah Humbug to phone companies! They all try to trick and squeeze more and  more money out of you than they say they're going to take.  I've got the phone card blues...  I tried to shop carefully, found a card with no connection fee, etc.  But the minutes just seem to mysteriously vanish.  And now, when I'm up at the cabin and don't have access to the internet to buy a new card [see note on Saturday's post] the darn thing tells me I've got 33 more minutes left to call Robbie's number, and then cuts me off after 4!! Grr..  I didn't even have time to say good-bye :(.  I should be able to get over this and be happy with what I've got, lying comfortably on the swing out in the porch, watching the hummingbirds, but I'm miffed. 
The hummingbirds are rather fun though...


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